Since 2003, the SEF has been offering Pagan families the opportunity to gather and celebrate the Sabbats together.  Each event includes holiday-themed mythology, stories, games, crafts, snacks, a child-centered ritual, and other activities depending on the season.

While we endeavor to come up with crafts for little hands and all abilities, all parents are expected to work along with their child during the craft.  All are welcome, not only those with children!

  • Fee: $5 per craft item (to cover cost of materials).
  • Adults are welcome to make crafts too!
  • If your child has specific food allergies, please bring your own snack.
  • Parents, please stay with your kids!

Imbolg, Spring, Samhain, and Yule events are held at the Brigham Hill Community Farm in North Grafton.

Beltain and Lammas are All Ages Events, where families gather with the rest of the community to celebrate.

For Autumn Equinox, the PFC goes apple-picking at Tougas Farm in Northboro.

Kara and her kids
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