A Samhain Ritual, of particular interest to gardeners, will be performed on Saturday, October 21st, 6:00 PM, at the First Universalist Society in Franklin, MA. Based on the ancient Egyptian festival Ka Her Ka (Coptic Khoiak), participants will construct and consecrate ‘corn mummies’ to be buried in their gardens in anticipation of the return of the Osiris, in the spring. Performed at the cult centers of this God throughout Egypt, this ceremony was a very physical celebration and promise of the immortality of the soul and the renewed life of the land.
A draft of the ritual has been made available here if you would like to get an idea of what will be happening.
To register for this event, please fill out this form below. You will be asked to complete a waiver when you arrive.
If you’d like to pay in advance, you can do so here.
Kronos and W.W. will be attending with me.