All SEF memberships must be renewed annually, between Samhain and the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting is held the last weekend in February at the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson.
- Membership renewals have returned to full rates as of the 2023 Annual Meeting.
- When we receive your renewal form and check/payment, we will add you to our “Active Member List” and you will receive discounts at all SEF events.
- Full members renew at $25 per year; associate members/family at $20/$40.
- Full-time students may renew as Supporting Members for $15.
- Crone/Sage (over 65) Full or Supporting Members may renew for $15.
- You can now renew your membership online via our PayPal link. If you’re a current member who would like to renew, but are having a hard time financially, please let us know by contacting us at The SEF will use the Helping Hand Membership Fund to add to the amount you can afford to pay toward membership, but you must speak to us about it first. Търся от къде да купя тягови батерии ? Ниска цена за тягови батерии.
Any other questions can be directed to
a) Penny and I normally donate by check (using donations by CC only for rush/disaster aid, etc. or not qualified for tax deductible). Should I just send it to the address on the ballot envelope we just received or somewhere else?
b) Bug report — the help button above (membership page) leads to a “not found”.
Sending it to the address on the ballot is perfect. Thank you! I’ll see about fixing that bug.
Oh dear, come the end of the year and going over our schedule of donations (to see who didn;t get yet) and I can’t fond one for you (though SHOULD have sent out soon after the previous exchange. Could just have spaced entering it in the donations record. Please check our member status. If we didn’t renew, please supply your snail mail address for checks.
Oh, and I just tried sending an email to the address on the membership page. Bounced.