Here are just a few Lammas photos from various years. We’ll be adding more!
Balancing Priapic Poles
Celtic Croquet
Nerf Caber Toss
PFC Arts & Crafts
The Priestess’s Cat
Outside the Vendor Pavillion
More Crafts
Junior Caper Toss
Junior Caper Toss
The Amazing Singin Blanket
Singing Blanket
Belly Dance Workshop
Family Labyrinth Walk
World-Class Picnickers
Arts & Crafts Display
PFC Display: This Year’s Activities
Getting Wet Games
Prepare to Get Wet!
More Getting Wet Games
Picnicking Pirates
Picnicking Yogis
Bake-Off Judging
Let the Games Begin!
Fierce Bunny Target
Archers at the Ready
Archers at the Ready
Archers at the Ready
All-Skills Parade: Bob the Builder
Games of Speedy Wit
Chicken Game
Archers at the Ready
Celtic Croquet
Psychic Skills Competition
An Archer Skewered!
Prepping for Closing Circle
This Year’s Target: A Vicious Badger!
Badger Trophy, Captured by the Youngest Archer!
You Are Here!
Welcome Pavillion