Membership – The Society of Elder Faiths Building a vibrant Pagan community since 1996 Sun, 08 Sep 2024 13:17:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Membership – The Society of Elder Faiths 32 32 An Open Letter to the Membership Sun, 08 Sep 2024 13:17:04 +0000 Continue reading An Open Letter to the Membership]]> An open letter to members of the Society of Elder Faiths

Merry Meet,

We hope this finds you and yours well.

We are writing because we miss you and want to update you on the state of the Society of Elder Faiths.

Since the founding of the SEF, we have offered in person, public events to celebrate the cycles of Nature and facilitate connections among the greater Pagan community. Attendance and support have waxed and waned over the years, but, since COVID, have remained low.

We now find ourselves at a crossroads. Energetically and monetarily, we cannot proceed without greater participation by the membership. If the SEF and her work is something that you wish to see continue, we need to hear from you. Ideally, we need to see you at upcoming events.

Please be in touch. Let us know what events you would physically attend and bring others of similar mind. Unfortunately, if attendance does not improve and response to this message is tepid, we will close next year.

Best regards,

The Board of the SEF


Whatever your thoughts, please send us a message at:

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Renewing Your Membership Tue, 24 Feb 2015 02:20:30 +0000 Continue reading Renewing Your Membership]]> All SEF memberships must be renewed annually, between Samhain and the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting is held the last weekend in February at the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson.

  • Membership renewals have returned to full rates as of the 2023 Annual Meeting.
  • When we receive your renewal form and check/payment, we will add you to our “Active Member List” and you will receive discounts at all SEF events.
  • Full members renew at $25 per year; associate members/family at $20/$40.
  • Full-time students may renew as Supporting Members for $15.
  • Crone/Sage (over 65) Full or Supporting Members may renew for $15.
  • You can now renew your membership online via our PayPal link. If you’re a current member who would like to renew, but are having a hard time financially, please let us know by contacting us at The SEF will use the Helping Hand Membership Fund to add to the amount you can afford to pay toward membership, but you must speak to us about it first. Търся от къде да купя тягови батерии ? Ниска цена за тягови батерии.


Any other questions can be directed to 

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