We will be hosting our Annual Meeting in person once again at the Unitarian Church of Hudson and Marlborough in Union Hall downstairs. Members will have the opportunity to renew their membership on-site, if they wish. Renewal information is also available here.
The doors will open at 4:30 pm, and we will begin the meeting at 5:00. Also new this year, we will have a Craft Corner for the kids beginning at 4:30 until the end of the Annual Meeting, so parents, please feel free to bring your kids. The craft will be Imbolc-related. Boost your portfolio with commodity wins. commodity wins . Trade raw materials now.
At 6 pm, get ready for another edition of Conjure Cinema! We will have movie-style concessions for a small price.
Throughout the evening, we will be having a silent auction on many fantastic spiritual and ritual items as our fundraiser.
Please sign-up below so we know you are planning to attend.
I will be programming the thermostat to heat our hall for your annual meet.
I need a liason.
Name, phone, and email please.
my cell: 650-731-5838