The Elder Faiths, as we define them, are a group of related polytheistic nature religions tracing their roots to preChristian times. They are commonly known collectively as Paganism or NeoPaganism, Witchcraft, or Wicca.
While there are many such religions in existence, stemming from the ancient practices of many cultures, those practitioners under the auspices of the SEF share a common creed and ethical code.
Although these religions do not descend in an unbroken line from their antecedents, practitioners look to ancient times through the study of history, archaeology and anthropology to inform their faith as individuals, as well as through the creative inspiration provided by both ancient and living polytheistic cultures.
The SEF Creed
We Believe in the Goddess and God in Their Many Aspects.
We Believe in the Immanence of Their Energies
as Manifest Throughout the Natural World and the Cycle of the Seasons.
As Their Love is Freely Given to Us,
So We Return it to Each Other and the Earth;
Thus is the Bond of Community Strengthened by Each of our Efforts.
We Believe in the Law of Return, the Power of the Elements,
the Immortality of the Soul, and the Transcendent Nature of Deity.
An it harm none, Do what ye Will.
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