Interested in becoming an SEF member?
Need to renew your membership?
The options are listed below:

SEF Full Individual Membership

SEF Associate Individual Membership

SEF Associate Full-time Student Membership

SEF Associate Crone or Sage Membership

SEF Associate Family Membership
I was wondering if there could be something wrong with the new member link, it brings me to a blocked page. Is there any other way I could obtain the new membership application form?
Hi Elizabeth, I’m sorry for the inconvenience! One of our higher level admins had been sick, and I’ve been working to fix links since we changed our hosting. I repaired the link above, and made it fuschia. Thanks for your patience!
I tried clicking on the fuschia link for a membership application. It said I must be logged in to preview a file. I’d like to get involved.
Hello, I am interested in inquiring information on joining. I tried to open the “online application” but it keeps rerouting me back to membership page. Any help is appreciated! Blessed be🙏
Just letting you know this is still an ongoing issue more than a year and a half later.
Clicking the Online Application also takes me back to the membership page saying I must log in to see the form. There’s no way to log in because I’m not a member, and I cannot become a member because I cannot log in to see the form.
Okay, I think I finally have this fixed. The new membership page is now here: https://elderfaiths.org/new-membership-application/ I guess always being signed in, I didn’t fully realize the issue. My deepest apologies.