Learn more about us:
The Elder Faiths and Our Creed
SEF Board of Directors
SEF Bylaws
Membership Info
The Society of Elder Faiths (SEF) is a Pagan religious organization incorporated as a church under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The SEF was founded by elders of five Wiccan covens in order to provide services to the local Pagan community which require a larger scale, more formal organizational structure than our individual covens can comfortably offer.
The SEF exists to worship the Goddess and the Old Gods, to teach the principles of our faith, to celebrate the rites of our religion, to realize fellowship and unity within our membership and among the elder faiths, to render loving service to the Earth and all Her inhabitants, and to promote the understanding of our faith.
We sponsor Sabbats, social and seasonal ritual events such as the Lammas Faire, Fall and Spring retreats, and other gatherings. We sponsor special Sabbats for Pagan families through the Pagan Family Connection and special classes for teens and tweens. Our Sabbat rituals are open to all.